Senin, 17 November 2014

Red Riding Hood

A long time ago, there lived a little girl who always wore a red cloak with a hood.Because of this she was known as Little Red Riding Hood.

She lived with her mother in a little house on the edge of the wood.

One day her mother asked her to take some cakes to her Grandma who lived in a cottage at the other side of the wood.

Little Red Riding Hood loved going to see her Grandma and she skipped along the path through the woods with the basket of cakes.
He knocked on Grandma's door, but instead of saying "Hello," he gobbled her up!
He then put on her nightdress and hid in her bed, waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to come.

On the way she stopped to pick some flowers. This was a mistake because there was a wolf who lived in the woods and he saw her.

He was going to eat her up there and then, but instead he decided to talk to her. He asked her where she was going.

"I'm taking these cakes to Grandma's," she said.
"I know," said the crafty wolf," let's have a little game. I'll race you there."

They both set off walking down different paths, but the wolf took a short cut and got to the cottage first.

When Red Riding Hood came to Grandma's house she went to the bedroom to see her.
" You look a little strange Grandma," she said.
"What big hairy arms you have!"

"All the better to hug you with my dear," said the wolf.

"But, what big ears you have Grandma."

"All the better to hear you with my love," the wolf sniggered.

"You have such big eyes, Grandma!"

"I love to see you so much my dear," snarled the wolf.

"But what very very big teeth you have Grandma" . . .

"All the better to EAT YOU WITH ! " roared the wolf and jumped out of bed. He chased Red Riding Hood round the cottage and then out of the door.

Luckily, a woodcutter was working nearby and he heard the little girl's cries. He killed the wolf with his axe and Grandma popped out of the wolf's tummy all in one piece!

Little Red Riding Hood thanked the woodcutter for saving her life and promised never to speak to a wolf ever again !

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